Education and Resource Guide

Home Education Opportunities Education and Resource Guide

One of main focuses here at Just Economics is Grassroots Education and Leadership. We are collecting and creating various ways for our community to learn. This page will continue to grow with more resources on the way.

We are currently in the processes creating our Just Economics bank of educational pieces. Ahead of that, we are sharing some great learning opportunities and resources.

📚 – Educational webpage, document, or PDF
💻 – Webinar or virtual learning session
👩‍🏫 – In-person learning opportunity
🤗 – Personalized Training and Guidance

Rental Law and Tenant Rights
📚 Landlord Tenant Laws in North Carolina: PDF of brochure out by and Legal aid of NC.

📚 North Carolina key laws for renters and landlords: Informational page from

💻 Tenants Rights and Responsibilities: Very information monthly webinar through Legal Aid of NC.

📚 NC Housing Act: Link to the Housing Act. A PDF containing the full Housing Act and laws surrounding housing.

📚 National information for Renters: Webpage from the Housing and Urban Development Department with a brief overview of Nationwide assistance programs.

Money Management
👩‍🏫 Managing Your Money Through Uncertain Times: A variety of classes offered by OnTrack including How to Build and Repair Credit Score, What to Do When Your Income Doesn’t Cover Expenses, Debt Payment, and Money Vision and Goals.

👩‍🏫 Women’s Financial Empowerment: A program offered at OnTrack that offers a full range of financial counseling and education services with a women-centered approach, responding to women’s unique needs and perspectives, to help them reach their financial goals.

📚 Improve Your Credit Score: Webpage from Fico/myFico that gives a brief rundown on steps to take to improve your scores.

Reentry After Incarceration
📚 Criminal Record Expunction Clinic: Monthly webinar hosted by NC Legal Aid to learn if you can remove any information from your criminal record.

🤗 NC Second Chance Housing Alliance: Statewide alliance of people with criminal records, their family members, service providers, congregations, community leaders and concerned citizens that have come together to address the causes of criminal records and the barriers they create to successful reentry.

💻 Preparing for Re-entry: Information from the Centre of Justice and Reconciliation, this brochure offers 10 keys for preparing for re-entry.

Wills and Life Insurance
📚 Consumer Guide to Life Insurance: Information provided by the NC Dept of Insurance surrounding the ins-and-outs of life insurance.

📚 Drafting a Will Beginners Guide: Webpage for the US Library of Congress with drafting resources and state specific resources.

Home Buyers
👩‍🏫 Home Buyer Education Session: An in-person program from OnTrack. This offering, geared toward first time buyers, is currently on hold due to the pandemic but will be available in the near future.

📚 Home Buyers Info: Webpage from the NC Housing Finance Agency that offers information about their Home Buyers Advantage Mortgage and their 1st home down payment assistance program.

Protecting Consumer Rights
🤗 Consumer Protection: Pisgah Legal is a resource for individuals seeking assistance with their rights as a consumer, addressing fraud and stopping predatory lending practices.

📚 Bureau of Consumer Protection: Federal Trades Commission resource page for consumer protection.

Personalized Training and Guidance
🤗 Life Works Program at Community Action Opportunities: Life Works helps individuals obtain full-time, living wage jobs so they can move out of poverty and obtain economic security. Participants are typically in the program one to three years. During this time, they work with their Life Works Coach, setting goals and addressing barriers while focusing on education/training and financial capabilities.

🤗 Call for Assistance: connects individuals with local help and resources. While not an education piece, it is an important resource when you are seeking assistance.

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